Monday, December 10, 2018

"Ya Betul" culture of DAP and ICERD

Butterworth, 17 Dec 2018 - In Butterworth, Bagan MCA division calls on DAP to state its stance over the government’s decision not to ratify Icerd.

In conjunction with the celebration of World Human Rights Day, the MCA Bagan Division Chairman Dr Tan Chuan Hong visited YB Lim Guan Eng's service centre in Bagan together with a few MCA divisional leaders. The purpose of the visit is to hand in a letter to YB Lim requesting YB to respond to the issues of ICERD.

Dr Tan urged YB Lim to explain the reasons the Government disagreed to sign on the treaty. He would also like to know the stand of DAP on this issue and what is the base of consideration and on what kind of reason that DAP breach his promise on this issue.

He strongly asked for the reasons that resulting DAP agreed with the Prime Minister's decision in the Cabinet. He also questions the DAP's Cabinet ministers whose response consist of “diam-diam” and “Ya-betul” during the Cabinet meetings and dare not to fight for their own stand of “Malaysia for Malaysians”.

Dr Tan Chuan Hong said being the second largest party in the ruling coalition with six Cabinet ministers and seven deputy ministers, the DAP owed the public an explanation.

“The DAP has always championed human rights issues, especially those involving the Chinese community.

“We want to hear from DAP secretary-general Lim, on the government’s move not to ratify the treaty and how DAP has struggled to convince the government in signing the treaty.

“Please explain to the people. Otherwise, apologise to the public,” he said in a statement yesterday.

It was earlier reported that Lim was quoted as saying that the DAP would leave the issue to Prime Mi­­nister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Dr Tan criticized YB Lim Kit Siang of his words about the recurrence of the tragedy of May 13 if the government goes on the treaty by saying that this is totally against what YB Lim Kit Siang keep on saying before the GE14.

Dr Tan also criticized all the DAP's MPs and all the deputy ministers had become so quiet and so “well behaved” after they took over the administration. It seems to be the have all forgotten their promise of “Malaysia for Malaysians” during the past elections.

He said the DAP would not want to be drawn into a racial debate by certain political parties.

To this, Tan said the DAP had gone against the Pakatan Harapan manifesto in the 14th general election.

He said the DAP had failed in its promise 26, which stated that the Pakatan government would make the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia a body that is highly regarded and respected.


MCA desak DAP nyata pendirian isu ICERD

(Butterworth, 10 Dec 2018) Pengerusi MCA Bahagian Bagan Dr Tan Chuan Hong memilih hari hak asasi manusia antarabangsa bersama-sama dengan pemimpin MCA pergi ke Pusat Khidmat Ahli Parlimen Bagan, bertujuan menyerahkan surat terbuka kepada Ahli Parlimen Bagan merangkap Menteri Kewangan En Lim Guan Eng, memohon penjelasannya tentang isu ICERD, apakah pendirian Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP), memungkiri janji, menyokong Perdana Menteri Tun Dr. Mahathir untuk tidak menandatangani ICERD, ataupun DAP sudah mahu menjadi menteri, tidak berani bersuara dalam Kabinet Malaysia, ataupun tidak tahu berjuang, hanya tahu memberi jawapan Ya, Betul. Sekiranya macam ini, beliau meminta Lim Guan Eng mewakili Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP) untuk meminta maaf terhadap rakyat.

Dr Tan Chuan Hong membidas kedua-dua pemimpin DAP iaitu Lim Guan Eng dan Lim Kit Siang yang memimpin DAP, demokrasi yang diperjuangkan oleh partinya sudah mati dan hilang integritinya. Parti tersebut hanya mahu menjadi pegawai kerajaan, dan sebab itulah dalam isu ICERD ini, kesemua wakil rakyat DAP yang menjadi menteri dalam Kabinet Malaysia sudah menjadi sekumpulan orang yang diam-diam, tidak tahu bersuara dan hanya tahu menjawab “Ya, betul”, ahli Parlimen DAP yang lain dalam Parlimen pun memainkan peranan yang diam-diam sahaja, dan ini telahpun melanggari janji-janji terhadap rakyat yang ingin memperjuangkan “Malaysian Malaysia”. Yang paling menyedihkan adalah Lim Kit Siang yang menampar muka sendiri, mengeluarkan kata-kata yang mengejutkan rakyat bahawa sekiranya ICERD ditandatangani, tragedi perkauman 513 akan berlaku semula, dan kata-kata ini memang bercanggah dengan hujah yang disebut sebelum 509.